UK Trade & Industry Awards
We independently verify and rate all business listings on this site so you can be assured that they are genuine.
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Top & Popular Listings
The featured listings below are some of highest rated and most popular on our site

Glasgow City Boats Training and Tours

Gym Co

Maxx Life Gym

The Spa at Culloden

David Lloyd Manchester North

Simply Gym Cardiff Bay

UFIT Fitness

Camden Boxing Club

Third Space

énergie Fitness Ricky Hatton

Energy Gym

Bannatyne Gym


Evolution Fitness & Leisure

Extreme Gym

Gardens by Water Gems

Driveway Builders Ltd

Gardiner R F Ltd

Green Acorn Landscape Design

Ground N Gardens Ltd

Ms Autos Cardiff Ltd

Bailey Auto Services


Binley Woods Service Centre

Owler Motor Services

CLCM Auto Services Ltd

Hunter Auto Engineers Ltd

AAK Auto Service

Benjamin Ryan Hair
How This Site Works
There is No Need To Worry About A Listing On This Site Having A Fake Rating – We Check Out All The Businesses Listed On This Site And Rate Them Ourselves Based On A Number Of Criteria. For More Information Click On Ratings Explained page
Company Ratings
81 to 100 (Level 5 Platinum Rating)
61 to 80 (Level 4 Gold Rating)
41 to 60 (Level 3 Silver Rating)
21 to 40 (Level 2 Advanced Rating)
1 to 20 (Level 1 Starter Rating)
Ratings Explained
Platinum: A business with exceptional standards of products, services and customer service
Gold: A business with high standards of products, services and customer service
Silver: A business with upper levels of standards of products, services and customer service
Advanced: A business with progressive, improving standards of products, services and customer service
Starter: A business on the path to achieving high standards of products, services and customer service
What We Do
We independently check all businesses on this site, verify them and rate them based on our own findings.
Due to the number of ratings websites with fake reviews, we eliminate any doubt for the consumer by providing our own independent ratings.
We also host an annual awards ceremony where the top businesses in each category are invited to attend the awards ceremony. Awards will be handed out to the top performing businesses in each category.
All our accredited businesses and companies have their own unique registration number.
How We Do It
When a business has asked to be accredited by us, we will visit the business premises to sample whatever they have to offer, without them, knowing who we are.
If we stay at a hotel, we do not disclose who we are until we have checked out to ensure that we get the same, genuine service that you will receive.
If a trade or construction business asks to join, we will need to see 4 of their recent jobs before we rate them.
If a shop or online service asks to join, we will act as a secret shopper before we rate them.
Most Popular Categories

Local Business Services
48 Listings
Local Services
86 Listings
Sports & Leisure Activities
27 Listings
Travel & Tourism
39 Listings
Automotive Services
10 Listings
Food, Restaurants & Entertainment
20 Listings
Building, Trades & Construction
49 Listings